Internet for all remains an impossible dream, no matter what Jimmy Wales says

I wrote a short piece for The Conversation about the potentials of ubiquitous connectivity. In it, I argue that neither cheaper internet nor the supposed altruism of corporations (through initiatives like will get us there. You can read the full thing here: Internet for… Continue Reading

“Towards a study of information geographies” A full list of our maps

We very recently published a paper that brings together a lot of the internet mapping work that we’ve been doing: Graham, M., S. De Sabbata, and M. A. Zook. (2015) “Towards a Study of Information Geographies: (im)mutable Augmentations and a… Continue Reading

New paper – Towards a study of information geographies:(im)mutable augmentations and a mapping of the geographies of information

Our research group spends a lot of time mapping the internet and the digital information that flows within it. So we decided to attempt to bring together a lot of that work into a single (open access) paper: Graham, M.,… Continue Reading

Free sample chapters available from our new book ‘Research and Fieldwork in Development’

The publisher has kindly allowed us to freely share three chapters of our new book (that I co-wrote with colleagues Dan Hammett and Chasca Twyman): ‘Research and Fieldwork in Development.‘ The book draws on our experiences of doing fieldwork about development… Continue Reading