Knowledge Equity and Spatial Justice on Wikipedia

Last week, 600 Wikipedians met in Cape Town for Wikimania 2018, the annual global gathering of the Wikipedia community. The keynote speaker on the first day was OII digital geographer Dr Martin Dittus, who presented new work with Professor Mark Graham on the… Continue Reading

Three visions for how information and communication technologies alter positionalities at global economic margins

I’m currently working on a book chapter about our ‘digital labour and gig economy‘ research. The chapter attempts to contextualise plans and projects to expand digital labour schemes by governments, third-sector organisations, and private sector actors. In writing the chapter, I thought it… Continue Reading

Digital Control in Value Chains: Challenges of Connectivity for East African Firms

I’m happy to report on a new co-authored paper that I have out. The piece asks what difference changing connectivity has made for East African firms. The piece emerges from a multi-year study on Development and Broadband Internet Access in East Africa that… Continue Reading

New Publication: Engagement in the Knowledge Economy: Regional Patterns of Content Creation with a Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa

We have a new publication out: Ojanperä, S., Graham, M., Straumann, R. K., De Sabbata, S., & Zook, M. (2017). Engagement in the knowledge economy: Regional patterns of content creation with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Information Technologies & International… Continue Reading

The Impact of Connectivity in Africa: Grand Visions and the Mirage of Inclusive Digital Development

My colleagues Nicolas Friederici, Sanna Ojanperä, and I have recently finished a paper in which we analyse ‘Grand Visions’ of how Internet connectivity affects development in Africa. In the paper, we contrast these visions with the actually available empirical evidence to support those claims.… Continue Reading

Digital Transformations of Work

The conference will explore issues such as the degree to which information technology is transforming capitalism and opening up new means of exploitation, whether the traditional regulation of working time, structured around a stable 9-5 5-day week, is being fractured;… Continue Reading

Kapuścinski Public Lecture – “Uneven Geographies of Power and Participation in the Internet Era”

I recently had the opportunity to give a Kapuścinski public lecture titled “Uneven Geographies of Power and Participation in the Internet Era.” You can watch the whole lecture at the link above. For anyone interested in more about the topic, the following… Continue Reading

Internet for all remains an impossible dream, no matter what Jimmy Wales says

I wrote a short piece for The Conversation about the potentials of ubiquitous connectivity. In it, I argue that neither cheaper internet nor the supposed altruism of corporations (through initiatives like Internet.org) will get us there. You can read the full thing here: Internet for… Continue Reading