Internet for all remains an impossible dream, no matter what Jimmy Wales says

I wrote a short piece for The Conversation about the potentials of ubiquitous connectivity. In it, I argue that neither cheaper internet nor the supposed altruism of corporations (through initiatives like will get us there. You can read the full thing here: Internet for… Continue Reading

New Paper: Information Geographies and Geographies of Information

The latest issue of New Geographies is now out, and contains an exciting collection of papers: My contribution to the issue is titled ‘Information Geographies and Geographies of Information.’ It is an earlier (and abridged) version of a longer paper that I… Continue Reading

“Virtual products aren’t built with virtual work”: new comment piece about concerns about digital labour for development

  SciDevNet has just published some of my preliminary thoughts about digital labour in development. The argument being that just because digital work is international, doesn’t mean it operates outside of the realm of resistance or regulation. Virtual products aren’t… Continue Reading

New publication – Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation in Wikipedia

  I am very happy to announce that a new paper that I have written with Ralph Straumann and Bernie Hogan is now available: Graham, M., Straumann, R., Hogan, B. 2015. Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation… Continue Reading