Collaborative Visualizations for Wikipedia Critique and Activism (new publication)

Arzu, Kathryn, Scott, Ralph, and I wrote a short extended abstract for the workshop Wikipedia, a Social Pedia: Research Challenges and Opportunities  at ICWSM 2015, presenting the idea of using collaborative visualizations as a tool for Wikipedia editors to collaboratively analyse Wikipedia… Continue Reading

New publication – Mapping Information Wealth and Poverty: The Geography of Gazetteers

Stefano and I have put together a short paper that will be forthcoming in Environment and Planning A. The paper focuses on the geography of geographic information, and builds on our work into the uneven geographies of information. It highlights… Continue Reading

New paper: “Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information”

Some colleagues (Shilad Sen, Heather Ford, Dave Musicant, Oliver Keyes, Brent Hecht) and I have put together a paper for CHI on Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information. The paper asks important questions about both the geographies of information, and… Continue Reading

Interview on the Guardian’s Tech Weekly about the Power of Digital Maps

This week’s Guardian Tech Weekly podcast covers the topic of Google Maps’ 10 year anniversary. I was interviewed on the programme and asked to speak about why internet geographies matter. I spoke about the need to think about the digital… Continue Reading