New publication: Geographies of Connectivity in East Africa: Trains, Telecommunications, and Technological Teleologies

I’m very happy to announce that a paper that I co-authored with Casper Andersen and Laura Mann has been accepted for publication in the Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers: Graham, M., Andersen, C., and Mann, L. 2015. Geographies… Continue Reading

Fieldwork in our Development and Digital Labour Project

  The photographs above come from a conference for online freelancers that Isis, Vili, and I attended in Manila a few days ago. The conference hall was packed with freelancers and potential freelancers looking to hear about ‘the future of work.’… Continue Reading

Digital Labour and Development

The picture above was taken in Pasig City in the Philippines. The poster advertising free wifi is symbolic of the changing connectivities of a country in which more than 30 million people are now Internet users. Whereas the advert on the the left is symbolic of… Continue Reading

Our paper at the Network Inclusion Roundtable: Geographies of Information Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa

Chris Foster and I have had the opportunity to participate in the Network Inclusion Roundtable: organised by IT For Change in Bangalore. Our short paper, titled ‘Geographies of Information Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa‘ is available at this link. The paper… Continue Reading