RGS-IBG Session Report – Digital Representations of Place: Urban Overlays and Digital Justice

By Mark Graham, Martin Dittus, Muki Haklay, Yu-Shan Tseng, Gillian Rose, and Rob Kitchin who presented talks, and the attendees of the subsequent workshop on “Digital Representations of Place: Urban Overlays and Digital Justice” at RGS-IBG 2018 in Cardiff on Wednesday… Continue Reading


Knowledge Equity and Spatial Justice on Wikipedia

Last week, 600 Wikipedians met in Cape Town for Wikimania 2018, the annual global gathering of the Wikipedia community. The keynote speaker on the first day was OII digital geographer Dr Martin Dittus, who presented new work with Professor Mark Graham on the… Continue Reading

The move from a human-readable to a machine-readable web

Slate just published a piece of mine about the move from a human-readable web to a more machine readable web. Here’s a short extract from it: Linked data organized through the semantic Web can be easily integrated, repurposed, collected, classified,… Continue Reading

Kapuścinski Public Lecture – “Uneven Geographies of Power and Participation in the Internet Era”

I recently had the opportunity to give a Kapuścinski public lecture titled “Uneven Geographies of Power and Participation in the Internet Era.” You can watch the whole lecture at the link above. For anyone interested in more about the topic, the following… Continue Reading

New Paper: Information Geographies and Geographies of Information

The latest issue of New Geographies is now out, and contains an exciting collection of papers: My contribution to the issue is titled ‘Information Geographies and Geographies of Information.’ It is an earlier (and abridged) version of a longer paper that I… Continue Reading

New publication – Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation in Wikipedia

  I am very happy to announce that a new paper that I have written with Ralph Straumann and Bernie Hogan is now available: Graham, M., Straumann, R., Hogan, B. 2015. Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation… Continue Reading

“Towards a study of information geographies” A full list of our maps

We very recently published a paper that brings together a lot of the internet mapping work that we’ve been doing: Graham, M., S. De Sabbata, and M. A. Zook. (2015) “Towards a Study of Information Geographies: (im)mutable Augmentations and a… Continue Reading

New paper – Towards a study of information geographies:(im)mutable augmentations and a mapping of the geographies of information

Our research group spends a lot of time mapping the internet and the digital information that flows within it. So we decided to attempt to bring together a lot of that work into a single (open access) paper: Graham, M.,… Continue Reading