The move from a human-readable to a machine-readable web

Slate just published a piece of mine about the move from a human-readable web to a more machine readable web. Here’s a short extract from it: Linked data organized through the semantic Web can be easily integrated, repurposed, collected, classified,… Continue Reading

Tracing employment rights through online labour markets

Online labour markets represent a rapidly growing feature of the world of work. Dozens of international online market places exist for the buying and selling of labour. The number of hours worked on (now known as Upwork), a leading… Continue Reading

Kapuścinski Public Lecture – “Uneven Geographies of Power and Participation in the Internet Era”

I recently had the opportunity to give a Kapuścinski public lecture titled “Uneven Geographies of Power and Participation in the Internet Era.” You can watch the whole lecture at the link above. For anyone interested in more about the topic, the following… Continue Reading

Can virtual workers strike? Book chapter on identity and collective action in microwork

I’ve posted online a pre-print version of my upcoming chapter in Space, place and global digital work, edited by Jörg Flecker (Palgrave-Macmillan 2016). The chapter is titled Algorithms That Divide and Unite: Delocalization, Identity, and Collective Action in ‘Microwork’. I… Continue Reading