New job at the Oxford Internet Institute: ‘Researcher in Development and Digital Labour’

We are now hiring a researcher to work with us to investigate low-wage digital work being carried out in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Researcher in Development and Digital Labour Grade 7 (£30,434 to £37,394 per annum) The Oxford Internet… Continue Reading

CfP at AAG 2016: An Informational Right to the City? Rethinking the Production, Consumption, and Governance of Digital Geographic Information

After presenting our paper on the same theme at ICCG 2015 in Palestine, myself and Mark Graham are planning a session for the Association of American Geographers’ annual meeting in San Francisco during Spring 2016. The session aims to provide… Continue Reading

Do platforms connect clients directly to providers? The new network patterns of digital work

As part of our project on digital labour and development, Isis Hjorth, Mark Graham, Helena Barnard and I have been meeting and interviewing over a hundred people who do freelance work over the Internet, through platforms such as Upwork and… Continue Reading

“Towards a study of information geographies” A full list of our maps

We very recently published a paper that brings together a lot of the internet mapping work that we’ve been doing: Graham, M., S. De Sabbata, and M. A. Zook. (2015) “Towards a Study of Information Geographies: (im)mutable Augmentations and a… Continue Reading

New paper – Towards a study of information geographies:(im)mutable augmentations and a mapping of the geographies of information

Our research group spends a lot of time mapping the internet and the digital information that flows within it. So we decided to attempt to bring together a lot of that work into a single (open access) paper: Graham, M.,… Continue Reading

New job working with the Geonet team at the Oxford Internet Institute: ‘Researcher in ICTs, Geography and Development’

We are now hiring a researcher to work with us to investigate low-wage digital work being carried out in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Oxford Internet Institute is a leading centre for research into individual, collective and institutional behaviour on the Internet.… Continue Reading

The Geographies of Science

Description This graph illustrates the number of journal articles produced around the world. Data The data used in this graph are from Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science, which “provides access to the world’s leading citation databases” and “includes current and… Continue Reading